Gravity Board Games har i samarbejde med Syddansk Teknologisk Innovation udviklet og produceret seks helt nye og unikke to-mandsbrætspil.
Brætspillene er unikke, fordi de – som navnet antyder – alle har begrebet tyngdekraft som en del af spillekonceptet.
Alle seks brætspil kan vindes, hvis man er bedst til at flytte vægt fra en banehalvdel til en anden – men de kan også vindes på andre og mere traditionelle måder undervejs. Hermed er der tilføjet en ny dimension til brætspillene.
Det handler ikke om kun at vinde på traditionel vis gennem flytning af brikker. Det handler også om, at brikkerne udover en funktion også har en vægt, som kan få afgørende betydning for spillets udfald.
Spillene er konstrueret hen over en vippe-anordning. Ifølge reglerne om ”kraft gange arm” vejer en brik, der står tæt på centerlinjen ikke nær det samme, som en brik, der befinder sig langt fra centerlinjen.
Idéen er tyngdekraft
Idéen var at tilføje en helt ny dimension til brætspil. Denne ekstra dimension skulle være begrebet “tyngdekraft”.
Derfor handler det ikke længere kun om at vinde på traditionel vis gennem flytning af brikker. Det handler også om, at brikkerne udover en funktion også har en vægt, som kan få afgørende betydning for spillenes udfald.
Basalt set skal man i alle Gravity Board Games spil flytte mest mulig vægt fra den ene banehalvdel til den anden.
Den spiller, der er bedst til det, vinder.
Spillene er derfor konstrueret hen over en vippe-anordning.
Ifølge reglerne om ”kraft gange arm” vejer en brik, der står tæt på centerlinjen ikke nær det samme, som en brik, der befinder sig langt fra centerlinjen.
Se spillekonceptet og vippe-anordningen i introduktionsvideoen til Hungry Higgs (varighed 2 min.) her:
Der er meget at tænke på, når man spiller et af Gravity Board Games. Spillene er lette at lære, men svære at beherske.
Gravity Board Games Vision
Visionen er, at Gravity Board Games vil blive et af de førende og foretrukne brætspilprodukter på verdensmarkedet.
Gravity Board Games vil kendes for spændende, udviklende og sjove brætspil.
Gravity Board Games vil også kendes som et godt middel i undervisningen til forståelse af matematiske regler og vægtstangsprincippet.Det foreløbige sortiment med 6 forskellige brætspil af forskellig sværhedsgrad vil udgøre et godt fundament for at få så mange interesserede spillere som muligt.
Gravity Board Games vil stimulere interessen for spillene gennem turneringer og oprettelse af spilleklubber for spillene.
Specielt egnede til turneringer er: Dangerous Dip, Gravity Gammon, Gravity Chess og Changing Challenges.
Our Story
In cooperation with “Syddansk Teknologisk Innovation” Gravity Board Games has developed and produced six absolutely new and unique board games for two players.
The Board Games are unique because – as the name indicates – they all have the concept of gravity built into the games.
All the six board games can be won if you are the better to move weight from one half of the board to the other half. But you are also able to win the games in other and more traditional ways. Thus The Gravity Board Games have added a quite new dimension to the games.
The issue is no longer to win in a traditional way through moving the play pieces on the board. The issue is now furthermore that every one of the play pieces has got a certain weight that can have decisive influence on the game.
The games are all played on a platform. The platform is basically a tilt. In this way it means a lot whether a play piece is situated close to the centerline or in one of the rows in the back of the board.
You have plenty to consider playing Gravity Board Games. But first of all: It is fun.
The Idea Was Gravity
The idea was to add a new dimension to board games. And this extra dimension should be the concept of Gravity.
All the six board games can be won if you are the better to move weight from one half of the board to the other half. But you are also able to win the games in other and more traditional ways. Thus The Gravity Board Games have added a quite new dimension to the games.
The issue is no longer to win in a traditional way through moving the play pieces on the board. The issue is now furthermore that every one of the play pieces has got a certain weight that can have decisive influence on the game.
The games are all played on a platform. The platform is basically a tilt. In this way it means a lot whether a play piece is situated close to the centerline or in one of the rows in the back of the board.
You have plenty to consider playing Gravity Board Games. But first of all: It is fun.
Gravity Board Games’ vision
Gravity Board Games want to become one of the leading and preferred two player board games worldwide.
Gravity Board Games wishes to be known and acknowledged for creating developing, exciting and funny board games.
Gravity Board Games also aims to be known as an entertaining and educational mean for understanding of relevant mathematic rules and skills. The present product range with six different board games with increasing difficulty gives a perfect possibility to find and motivate many interested players in the world.
Gravity Board Games want to stimulate the interest for the board games by arranging tournaments and starting playing clubs.
Especially suited for this are: Dangerous Dip, Gravity Gammon, Gravity Chess and Changing Challenges.